For noen år siden startet Radiodays Europe opp en egen Podcast Day. Den måtte i fjor arrangeres digitalt, som så mange andre konferanser. I år prøver de seg med et nytt konsept kalt Podcast Day 24, som går digitalt i 24 timer med innhold fra hele verden.
Dette arrangeres i samarbeid med British Podcast Awards og Australian Podcast Awards. Podcast Day 24 finner sted 7 juni og de første foredragsholderne er nå offentliggjort:
"Tolani Shoneye, Audrey Indome, and Milena Sanchez - also known as The Receipts - have taken their hit show from early commercial success, onto the BBC and to its new home as a Spotify exclusive. Here they talk about the deals and partnerships that made their show a hit with audiences as well as a successful business.
NPR’s Tamar Charney, the Senior Director of Collaborative Journalism and Neal Carruth, the Senior Director of On-Demand News will tell Podcast Day 24 how they’ve localised ‘Consider This”. Find out more about NPR’s work in creating local and national news experiences beyond broadcast radio.
Happy Place star and creator, Fearne Cotton will be talking about the success of her mental-health podcast and what she thinks has contributed to the show’s success, in conversation with Holly Bott, Managing Director of Entertainment at YMU Group, who represents a vast array of UK and US talent that has driven the celebrity podcast boom.
Also joining the world tour is Knud Brix Denmark’s number one podcaster and host of Genstart (Restart), the Danish Broadcasting Corporation’s successful news podcast.
Finally, a special welcome to BBC Five Live’s Dan Maudsely, the producer of British Podcast Awards gold-winner Paradise who joins the conference to talk about making Paradise and his new show that explores the perils of ‘friendly fire’ in On The Ground." samler ikke inn informasjon, med unntak av nyhetsbrev som krever aktiv innmelding, se nedenfor. bruker
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